Cocktail Lab Kakurabo offers cocktails that can be enjoyed not only by taste but also by the five senses of sight, smell and hearing

Minami Bar Cocktail Lab Kakurabo offers cocktails that can be enjoyed not only by taste but also by the senses of the senses of vision, smell and hearing. Currently, it is possible to offer various cocktails with improved technology. Among them, the one used in many places is a mix-and-mixology cocktail that is not only mixed with fresh fruits and vegetables, but also created by various techniques.
Cocktails made using the texture and taste of the ingredients are characterized by a different taste from ordinary cocktails and the ability to make cocktails.
Introducing our original cocktails.

  • メルティー・ラブ

    Melty Love

  • ショコラティーニ


  • バナナチョコ

    Banana chocolate

  • 苺杏仁

    Strawberry apricot

  • ストロベリー・ハート

    Strawberry heart

  • ティー・ベリー

    Tea berry

  • ブラックホール

    Black Hole

  • オリジナルチャイナブルー

    Original China blue

  • 秋麗(あきうらら)


  • 紅葉(もみじ)

    Autumn leaves

  • 抹茶オールドファッションド

    Matcha Old Fashioned

  • 立夏


  • ドカティ


  • ローズ・ルージュ

    Rose Rouge

  • 液体窒素のピニャコラーダ

    Sample title

Most people who drink liquor want to taste the food and dishes. Alcohol alone can satisfy your stomach and heart, but people who have food can also satisfy your heart. For this reason, we have prepared dishes using carefully selected ingredients, and we have always strived to ensure that customers who come to the store can enjoy warm and delicious dishes. There are locations and hours of operation, and some customers come mainly with meals. Sausages and omelet rice that are compatible with liquor are prepared to satisfy those people.
We are looking forward to your visit to Cocktail Lab Kakurabo.